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Clubs & Activities

Student Leadership opportunities are a very important part of our school. Many students volunteer their time during the day in regular activities such as supporting peer students in play at recess or Classroom Buddy reading. One highlight each year is the "Coronation's Got Talent" Show. Students have the opportunity to showcase and present in front of an audience of peers and parents!

Our Gr 5 & 6 students can volunteer to be part of the AMA Patroller Team that assist our students in safe road crossing coming to, and leaving, school. 

Students from all grades can volunteer to be Announcers for our weekly School Announcements that are presented virtually to each classroom, usually on a Monday after first recess. 

Coronation School has a vibrant Student Council made up of Gr 6 students. They arrange a number of activities throughout the school year, including a final Fun Day at year's end. 

Extra-Curricular activities vary from year to year, and are generally held at lunch recess. Some examples include Running Club, Knitting Club, Chess Club and are led by teachers on a volunteer basis, and/or student leadership teams.  Our students are empowered to present written proposals to run an extracurricular activity.  They are very excited to develop the goals and lead students through their club!